Autz IP seamlessly integrates into your firm’s intellectual property group to assist with all litigation tasks including legal research, fact and expert discovery, trial prep and trial.
Autz IP is a flexible, budget-friendly option to add senior associate-level experience to advance litigation tasks on an ad hoc basis.
Autz IP has provided legal services to an Am. Law. 100 firm in all aspects of intellectual property law, including litigation support (fact discovery, expert discovery, motion practice, trial preparation), preparing inter-partes review submissions, and contract dispute resolution. Most recently, Autz IP has collaborated with an Am. Law. 100 to represent an international pharmaceutical company in a patent litigation relating to methods of treating hypotrichosis; obtaining a jury verdict of $39M for their client (Jury-Says-Sandoz-Owes-39M-For-Eyelash-Drug-Infringement-Law360).